No. 90: Lauren Simmons

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How does a young woman with a genetics degree, an unpaid internship, and a starting salary of just $12,000 become one of the most talked-about traders on Wall Street? Spoiler: It’s not luck; it’s pure determination.

Hey everyone, I’m Shae, a PhD candidate at Harvard, and welcome back to 100 Historic Black Women You Should Know By Election Day! Today, we’re diving into the extraordinary story of Lauren Simmons—a woman who rewrote the rules of Wall Street and did it all on a shoestring budget.

Lauren Simmons’ story is anything but typical. After earning her degree in genetics from Kennesaw State University, Lauren took a leap of faith and moved to New York City without a job in hand. She started out as an unpaid intern at Rosenblatt Securities, learning the ropes of finance while working long hours. But what’s truly remarkable is how she turned that internship into a full-time role, despite having no formal finance background.

At just 22 years old, she became the youngest full-time female trader at the New York Stock Exchange, and not just that—she was also only the second African American woman to ever hold that position in the Exchange's 225-year history. But here’s the kicker: she did it while earning a mere $12,000 a year— substantially less than the cost of living in New York City. To put that in perspective, most people on Wall Street earn that in a week, not a year. Yet, Lauren thrived in one of the most competitive and high-pressure environments in the world, making split-second decisions that moved millions of dollars.

Lauren’s resilience and tenacity didn’t just open doors for herself; they paved the way for future generations of women and people of color in finance. But her ambitions didn’t stop at trading. She’s also a powerful advocate for financial literacy, particularly for young women of color. Her book, “Make Money Move: A Guide To Financial Wellness”, is a masterclass in how to achieve financial independence while maintaining balance in other areas of life—truly embodying the concept of holistic success.

Here’s a fun fact: Did you know that Lauren Simmons was offered a movie deal about her life? That's right, she’s not just the Wolfette of Wall Street; she’s also a Hollywood inspiration. Chloe Bailey is set to portray her in the upcoming film, giving Lauren’s incredible story the silver screen treatment it deserves.

If Lauren Simmons’ journey has inspired you as much as it inspires me, do me a favor—rate this podcast 5 stars so we can keep bringing you these incredible stories. Make sure to follow me on social media for more behind-the-scenes content and subscribe to my YouTube channel for even more stories that highlight the hidden history makers you need to know. Thanks for listening, and I’ll see you next time on "100 Historic Black Women You Should Know By Election Day."


No. 89: Anna Julia Cooper


No. 91: Mellody Hobson