What can you accomplish in 12 weeks?

I was strolling by a Cafe one morning and I suddenly got an idea — what if I focus on writing 2 dissertation chapters over the next 12 weeks. I have been having a bit of burnout lately making it difficult for me to work on my dissertation. It’s also that time of the year when evidence of progress is on full display– graduations, acceptance letters, book launches, etc.

When working on any big project, it’s easy to compare your progress to someone else’s. I often feel overwhelmed with the billion little tasks that need to get done. This can lead to indecision paralysis. Out of fear of not knowing where to start or wanting every single aspect of the project to be perfect from the start, it’s easy to freeze up and do nothing.

So last week I decided to get over this indecision paralysis and commit to writing two chapters over the next 12 weeks (a little less than 90 days) ✍🏾👩🏾‍💻.

Not perfect chapters. Not publishable chapters. Just two done chapters.

12 Week Year

I got this idea while reading 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington.

My issue is not planning, setting goals, or dreaming up ideas. My problem is executing on all of my plans, goals, and dreams.

This is why I like the simple execution system they created! It’s easy to break it down like this–

  1. Create a Vision

  2. Determine the goals you’re going to focus on for the 12 weeks (no more than 3)

  3. Create tasks (or tactics), things you need to do every day to reach that goal

  4. Create a weekly plan, schedule time to work on the goals

  5. Score your week (how successful were you at completing those tasks each week?)

12 Week Year for Writers

I just learned that there’s a book that adapts the 12 week year system specifically for writers. It’s called The 12 Week Year for Writers: A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Your Writing Done by A. Trevor Thrall

I just bought this book after listening to the author’s podcast earlier this week. You can check the podcast out here!

It uses the same system as the 12 Week Year but tailors its advice to writers.

So who’s with me? What do you want to accomplish in the next 12 weeks?

You can start literally whenever! You just need to make a commitment to yourself that you’re going to focus on one aspect of your project for the next 12 weeks. Notice how I didn’t say I was going to write my whole dissertation in the next 12 weeks! I’m just focusing on writing 2 complete, non-perfect chapters.

Co-Working Sessions on YouTube

While we’re on this journey together, I will be uploading co-working sessions on YouTube. Click this link to co-work with me now! You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel here to be notified of live and uploaded co-working sessions!

As I was reminded recently— “you can’t give feedback on blank pages” 🥲

If you enjoyed this post, join my community of writers, dreamers, and big project do-ers over at shaeomonijo.substack.com

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